It is swipe based design for chemical engineering student to learn basics of thermodynamics.It almost cover important topics with their graphics chapter wise
Chapter 1
1. Basic concepts of work & heat system
2. properties and state of systems
3. First Law of Thermodynamics
4. Applications
5. batch flow processes
6. steady & unsteady state flow
Chapter 2
1. Critical properties corresponding state compressibility
2. PVT behavior of pure fluids virial equation
3. generalized correlation & eccentric factor
4. behaviour of liquid
5. second law of T.D
6. Applications of Second Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 3
1. carnot cycle
2. carnot theorem
3. thermodynamics temp scales
4. concept of entropy
5. calculation of entropy for varions systems
6. entropy for real system
Chapter 4
1. Effect of pressure on specific heat
2. Joule Thompson effect
3. third law of thermodynamics
4. Applications of third Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 5
1. Compression & expansion of fluids
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Reka bentuk ia adalah berdasarkan sapu untuk pelajar kejuruteraan kimia untuk mempelajari asas-asas thermodynamics.It hampir meliputi topik-topik penting dengan bab grafik mereka bijak
Bab 1
1. Konsep asas kerja & haba sistem
2. sifat-sifat dan keadaan sistem
3. Hukum Pertama Termodinamik
4. Permohonan
5. proses aliran kumpulan
6. aliran keadaan stabil & tak mantap
Bab 2
1. sifat kritikal sepadan kebolehmampatan negeri
2. PVT kelakuan bendalir tulen persamaan virial
3. korelasi umum & faktor aneh
4. kelakuan cecair
5. Undang-undang Kedua T.D
6. Penggunaan Undang-undang Kedua Termodinamik
Bab 3
Kitaran 1. carnot
Teorem 2. carnot
3. termodinamik skala temp
4. konsep entropi
5. pengiraan entropi bagi sistem varions
6. entropi bagi sistem sebenar
Bab 4
1. Kesan tekanan ke atas haba tentu
Kesan 2. Joule Thompson
3. undang-undang ketiga termodinamik
4. Permohonan Undang-undang ketiga Termodinamik
Bab 5
1. Mampatan & pengembangan cecair</div> <div class="show-more-end">